by J. R. Alvord & C. D. Cheney
DON’T IGNORE YOUR CHILD! Catch’em being good-and let’em know. The Home Token Economy is a flexible and adaptive incentive program that works well with the family management style of many parents. A Home Token Economy is a miniature economic system for the family, where family members earn tokens for behaving appropriately and exchange those tokens for desirable things and activities. This system will help you to attend to the critical features of your children’s and your own behavior and how each effects the other. You can have your Home Token Economy in place and running within an hour after reading this manual. Furthermore, you can quickly tell if the system is working, and, if it isn’t, you can make adjustments to ensure that it does work. The Home Token Economy is different from many self help books available, because it provides the means by which you can determine the effectiveness of your program and the steps you can take to ensure that it works for you in your home.