CCBS Journals & Our Recommendations

Behavior and Philosophy: Devoted to the philosophical, metaphysical, and methodological foundations of the study of behavior
Editor (2020 – Present): Diego Zilio, PhD, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Former Editor (2017-2019): José E. Burgos, PhD, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones en Comportamiento Universidad de Guadalajara
ISSN 1053-8348 Published by the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies™
Founded in 1973 under the name Behaviorism*, Behavior and Philosophy is a journal devoted to the philosophical, metaphysical, and methodological foundations of the study of behavior, brain, and mind. In addition to original articles, critical or historical reviews and responses to articles are also welcome. While we hope that everything we publish will be scientifically and philosophically sound, we insist above all on clarity and directness, respecting Francis Bacon’s dictum that “truth will sooner come from error than confusion.” Every article should be accessible to an educated but unspecialized audience.
Behavior and Philosophy publishes articles dedicated to theoretical issues concerning behavior analysis as well as allied behavior sciences (e.g., conceptual analysis; methodological discussions; reflections on epistemology and ontology; ethical and political investigations).
All manuscripts in accordance with Behavior and Philosophy‘s scope will be considered for publication after a double-blind review process by two anonymous reviewers invited by the Editor for the task.
Behavior and Philosophy adopts the continuous publishing model of publication. Finished the copy-editing process, articles accepted for publication will be published online on Behavior and Philosophy site in a continuous flow. The journal volumes will be closed by the end of each year with the papers published during this period. The continuous publication process promotes speed and agility in the process of availability of research. In case of manuscripts accepted for publication, it takes 3 months on average between submission and the publication online.
*BEHAVIORISM, the journal, was founded in 1972 by Willard Day, a remarkable clinician/philosopher who nurtured a series of remarkable, often ground-breaking essays that raised the visibility of contemporary behavioral thinking within the broader intellectual community. These comprised the first 13 years of the journal, which he handed over to the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies in 1984. In 1990 the journal was re-titled Behavior & Philosophy, and it has continued to the present day under a succession of capable editors.