by Roger W. McIntire
Here’s the help parents need to stay calm, confident, and in control as they encounter the daily stresses and turmoil of raising young children.
This book is organized around the Five T’s for successful parenting: TUNE IN to what’s going on, TRANSMIT the right messages, TAKE ON just a few good rules, TEACH with good listening and coaching, and TEAM UP with adults who can help. Each of the book’s five parts concludes with exercises to help parents practice techniques and observe their child’s reactions and interactions within the family. The book also includes sections on games children play to maneuver their parents and suggestions for appropriate parental reactions. The book contains hundreds of examples and dialogues to illustrate listening skills, alternatives to punishment, special single-parent problems, planning sessions for handling problems, and the expansion of child responsibilities. The author’s favorite theme is, You can’t make a garden just by pulling weeds.
Quotes from the book:
“Selecting behaviors to reward with positive attention is the main business of being a parent.”
“Whatever solution Mom tries, the focus needs to be on the consequences.”
“One of the cardinal rules about consequences is that they must be judged by how they influence behavior and not by how we think we would react to the consequence.”